Marble Muse Arcade

Unique Gameplay
The unique gameplay from Marble Muse has carried over to Marble Muse Arcade. You can tilt the environment completely upside down! The thing that makes this game new is the faster pace and the focus on score instead of collection. Lots of new and exciting features packed in to this game including multiplier stars, combos and the course exploding when the time runs out!
Marble Muse Arcade has been featured on GameKeys Top Steam Games to try in May 2021.

How to Play
You can choose 1 or 2 players from the menu.
In a 2 player game, each player takes a turn. If they either fall off the course or the time runs out, they lose a life and the play moved to the next player. Once all the lives are gone, the game ends and your scores are displayed. The player with the highest score wins.
Once the game starts, move the mouse or trackball to tilt the environment (A trackpad is not recommended as it does not give as full of a range of motion). Use the forward and backward axis for the smaller movements and use the left and right axis for the bigger movements. The courses are setup to encourage this kind of movement.
If the marble touches a star or the end portal, you will be awarded some points. Navigate the marble through the course before the time runs out.
Look for pickups along the way to help you get the high score!
Stars are the primary way to collect points in the game, but the different colors have different point values or attributes.
Gold Stars
The golden stars are the most common. They are worth 100 points each. Collect as many as you can, but don’t fret if you miss a few.
Red Stars
The red stars are more rare and are usually quite tricky to get. They are worth 800 points each, so if you think you can risk it, the reward might be worth it.
Green Stars
Be sure to find the green multiplier stars. There is just one hidden in each level. They don’t have a point value, but the more you collect, the more your score is multiplied. Once you’ve collected 6 in a single life, even if you lose a life, some of multiplier will remain. Finding where each of these stars are and grabbing them quickly is critical to achieving a high score.

Time Bonus
You are always racing the clock and it helps to have a little extra time. There are two time bonuses.
Blue Time Bonus
The blue time bonus clocks always add 5 seconds.
Green Time Bonus
The green time bonus clocks are more valuable, but vary in the amount of time they give. These are very important in giving you enough time to complete the levels so don’t pass these by.
Collect 10 stars in rapid succession to start a combo! You marble literally lights on fire. The combo doubles all your point collection including multipliers for 20 seconds! These are very valuable especially after you have built up a significant multiplier.

Classic Arcade Style
The inspiration for Marble Muse Arcade has been, of course, classic arcades. Games like Centipede or Marble Madness that use that giant trackball. In fact, this game was originally created to be placed in an arcade machine and was used to promote a local game festival. If you’d like to try out that classic arcade feel, the game has been setup to work with the default setup on an X-Arcade Tankstick With a Trackball.
There are just 6 levels in Marble Muse Arcade. This is intentional as many of the classic arcade games had a similar number. Each time you complete all 6, you will start back at the beginning, but the difficulty will be ramped up. Mastering each level will be critical in achieving those high scores, just like the classics!
Marble Legend
There are 5 scores to beat!
Apprentice | 50,000 |
Journeyman | 100,000 |
Expert | 200,000 |
Master | 500,000 |
Legend | 1,000,000 |
Do you have what it takes to become a Marble Legend? If you achieve a Legendary score of 1,000,000 or greater, send us a screenshot of your high score or your screen name along with your mailing address to and we will send you a 3D printed trophy along with a congratulations letter (While supplies last. Shipping charges apply).

A Note From the Developer
It can take some time to master the movement of the marble, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll be soaring through the levels. Make sure to memorize the location of each green multiplier star and collect them early. Once you have a large multiplayer built up, go for the combo.
I hope you enjoy playing Marble Muse Arcade as much as I have making it. Join the steam community hub. I’d love to hear from you. And if you happen to beat my personal high score of 2,164,320, let me know, because that it a truly exception feat!
Curtis Aube